My Dream and Inspiration
Hi my Name is Syarifah Nur Aisyah . I am almost six years old . Actually this site on my mother's hand. My Dream is want to have site which will make money for me. So I ask to my mom to make a site for me , as you can see here. In this site I will tell you every thing .
I live at my parent's house of course it was because I am still a kid.
My Mother right now still Working as a Travel Consultant in one of Travel Agency in Cikarang , soonest she will be resigned but still work from home . My Father has a shop in Cibitung . And I have a brother Name Novansyah Riannasuha Halim Hasibuan, he's age is eleven years old.He also ask to my mom to make him a site like me.
I was born on July , only different 3 days earlier with my brother , so when I was one years old and my brother five years old . My parent make our birthday party in the same day .Also when i was five years old and my brother nine years old.
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